Lecture: Cartographies of Social Reproduction and Global Development as a Social Factor
Dr. Alessandra Mezzadri presents Cartographies of Social Reproduction and Global Development as a Social Factor
Dr. Mezzadri is a feminist political economist of global development, concerned with processes of globalisation of production, work and social reproduction. She was trained in Economics, Political Economy and Business Studies at La Sapienza, Rome, and in Development Studies, Gender, Labour and Development, at SOAS. She is currently Reader in Global Development & Political Economy, SOAS, University of London.
Her book The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation and Garments Made in India (Cambridge 2017, paperback edition 2020) explored the “making” of cheap labour in the Indian garment industry, with an emphasis on the labour regime characterising the industry, its global and localised patterns of labour control, and its productive and reproductive links to the informal economy. She also works on feminist political economy theories, methods, and methodologies, on the relation between production and reproduction in shaping processes of value and labour surplus extraction, and on the global political economy of work.
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